Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Transactional Replication Status Checker.

For simple monitoring we can use the following queries to get the latest status of transaction replication.
(It may required little tweak as per requirements)

-- Transactional Replication Status Script
use distribution

select d.Publication, d.Publisher_db, a.Agent_id, d.Name,
case a.Runstatus
when 1 then 'Start -- Ok'
when 2 then 'Succeed -- Critical'
when 3 then 'In progress -- Ok'
when 4 then 'Idle -- Ok'
when 5 then 'Retry -- Critical'
when 6 then 'Fail -- Critical'
end Replication_Status
, a.Time, a.Comments, isnull(c.error_text,'') Error_Text
from dbo.MSdistribution_History a
select agent_id, max(time) Max_Time
from dbo.MSdistribution_history
group by agent_id
) b on b.agent_id = a.agent_id and b.max_Time = a.time
left outer join dbo.MSrepl_errors c on c.id = a.error_id
join dbo.MSdistribution_agents d on d.id = a.agent_id
where d.subscriber_db <> 'Virtual'
order by 1